December 12, 2007

unexamined summers

at 6 summers road growls of thunder introduce dramatic bursts of rain to contradict the sunny cheerfulness. open windows inspire mini floods.

the rain encourages a new appreciation for the indoors; and fanatic reading. reading, the forgotten form of escapism. whole afternoons disappear, entire evenings are lost in ‘the flame trees of thika’, ‘house of stone and ‘don’t lets go down to the dogs tonight’… despite the romantic tint of hindsight, all brilliant stories and highly recommended. other escape techniques i recommend are eating (a reliable diversion from any worry) and romantic entanglements (which account for quite a few vanished years).

having escaped quarter of a century in this way, it may be time to take socrates’ approach that ‘the unexamined life is not worth living’. imagine growls of thunder introducing an expose of the humble happenings and wonderings of jessica, 25, blantyre. there shall be few exclamation marks (punctuation should not compensate for inadequate wording), minimal ellipsis’s (the lazy way to end a sentence) but many semi colons. there shall be few readers but much love.


  1. How do you know there will be a few readers? Most importantly, how do you know there'll be much love? (And how much is much love?)

    Totally enjoyed it, punctuation and all!! You kinda summarised my feelings right now in that last bit. Hopefully, this change will be good for you.

  2. much love to you jess. enjoyed reading.

  3. someone else who appreciates the good life, keep blogging, dad

  4. There is a Limerick about a centipede who was asked which leg goes first when he walks. He sat pondering till he could not move. This was a case of paralysis by analysis.

    To examine one's life is honorable but not everything sometimes. Especially when it detracts us from the very act of living. And when we fall in love with the process to the detriment of the very thing it is supposed to enrich much like falling in love with falling in love instead of loving.

    We see people who seem to live unexamined lives, sort of gut-feeling, instinctual, spontaneous types but have a certain enviable quality of life.

    This was just a comment on Socrate's quote.After examining his life, its interesting to note that Socrates committed suicide. Maybe he thought that he had lived past his usefulness? or he despaired at how it can seem or futile, vain and pointless? Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions


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